The mechanisms for producing these output files ( and cleaning them up, when necessary) are useful tools for almost any UNIX or Linux writer, developer, or system administrator. 产生这些输出文件(以及在必要时清理它们)的机制对于几乎所有UNIX或Linux作者、开发人员或系统管理员都是有用的工具。
This benefit is that templates can be incrementally evaluated, and output can be written to a Writer as soon as it is produced, rather than unnecessarily first being accumulated in memory. 可以对模板进行逐步评估,而且输出一旦生成就可以写入Writer,不必先在内存中累积。
This is an integral collection, representing a significant amount of the output of a major Irish writer, put together by a major, though as yet little-known, Irish collector. 这是一套完整的收藏品,显示了一位爱尔兰的主要作家的作品产量是多么的丰富,这些藏品都是由一位爱尔兰主要的,但目前还鲜为人知的收藏家收集的。
Much of her output as a writer was first published in magazines. 她的许多作品都是先在杂志上发表的。
The total output of a writer or artist ( or a substantial part of it). 一个作家或画家的所有作品的总和(或实质部分)。
His work is not big in quantitative output, but any one of his four novels would suffice to make him the reputation of a great writer. 乔伊斯不是一位多产作家,但他的任何一部小说都足以使他成为一位伟大的作家。
By analyzing and calculating the effective precipitations, irrigation water yield and utilization ratio, and crop output during the growing period of wheat and corn, the writer expounds how to make full use of effective precipitations to make an appropriate irrigation and improve its benefits. 通过对小麦和玉米生长期间的有效降雨量及灌溉水量、灌溉利用系数、灌溉水量及作物产量的关系分析计算,阐明了有效降雨量,充分利用有效降雨量合理进行灌溉,提高灌溉效益的方法。
Based on the analysis of the relation between the output of agricultural products and calamity, and that between the output and the purchasing price of last year, the writer reaches the conclusion that the purchasing price fluctuation effects more on the output than calamity does. 通过对九种农产品的产量与灾害的相关分析以及农产品产量与上一年农产品的收购价格的相关分析得到,农产品收购价格的波动对农产品产量的影响要大于自然灾害的影响。
Typical analysis of the constant-current resistance and the output current error, The writer gives the analysing process by means of operational amplifier. 从恒流源内阻和形成输出电流误差两个方面,给出用运算放大器构成压控恒流源的分析结果。